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picture1_Contoh Presentasi Business Plan 32599 | Profit Projection 3yr 0 1

picture2_Contoh Presentasi Business Plan 32599 | Profit Projection 3yr 0 1 picture3_Contoh Presentasi Business Plan 32599 | Profit Projection 3yr 0 1

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File: Contoh Presentasi Business Plan 32599 | Profit Projection 3yr 0 1
Profit and Loss Projection (3 Years) Enter your Company Name here Enter starting year here 2012 % 2013 % 2014 % Sales $ 10000% $ 10000% $ 10000% Cost Goods ...

icon picture XLS Filetype Excel XLS | Posted on 09 Aug 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Profit and loss projection years enter your company name here starting year sales cost goods sold cogs gross operating expenses salary office overhead payroll taxes etc outside services supplies off operation repairs maintenance advertising car delivery travel accounting legal rent related costs telephone utilities insurance real estate interest depreciation other expense specify total net before income notes on preparation you may want to print this information use as reference later delete these instructions click the border of text box then press key a long term forecast is not necessary part basic business plan however it an excellent tool help open up thinking about s future furthermore venture capitalists will almost always get feel for growth prospects further out less accuracy can maintain so round numbers except where know exact amounts eg if have lease most important themselves but assumptions underlying make sure are stated clearly in detail narrative attachment communicate ...
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