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picture1_Spreadsheet For Expenses 32598 | 090321a2 C81a 4ad3 861c 4ad695f08aed

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File: Spreadsheet For Expenses 32598 | 090321a2 C81a 4ad3 861c 4ad695f08aed
monthly expense log laura walsh ms cfp cima cpwa ricp lifespan financial strategies inc 954 3857812 wwwlifespanfinancialstrategiescom your name total monthly expenses 000 housing debt service medical health insurance mortgage ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 09 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Monthly expense log laura walsh ms cfp cima cpwa ricp lifespan financial strategies inc wwwlifespanfinancialstrategiescom your name total expenses housing debt service medical health insurance mortgage credit cards premiums rent equity line copayments associations student loans prescriptions other costs out flood ofpocket home dental private outofpocket pest control utilities ltc property tax cable ltd lawn services internet std repairs landline phone contactsglasses maintenance cell storage trash pool water security electric transportation personal finances life car payment planner premium accountant ride share apps attorney long term disability public transit care gas umbrella aaa oil and tires registrationrenewals healthgrooming foodhousehold pets gym memberships groceries vet online fitness subscriptions food delivery medicine hair cuts restaurants makeup coffee shops boarding nails costcosam s club grooming massagespa walmarttarget training clothing housekeeping amazon household d...

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