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picture1_Simple Procurement Policy Template 32565 | 121017supply

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File: Simple Procurement Policy Template 32565 | 121017supply
221 supply chain management entity department of agriculture onderstepoort biological products arc 222 predetermined objectives entity daff onderstepoort biological products arc ncera farm 223 human resources entity daff 224 information ...

icon picture XLS Filetype Excel XLS | Posted on 09 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Supply chain management entity department of agriculture onderstepoort biological products arc predetermined objectives daff ncera farm human resources information technology controls obp material errorsomissions in afs submitted for audit finding root cause goods and services with a transaction value between r this is as result lack monitoring were procured without obtaining written price quotations from review place to ensure that all at least three different prospective providers per the requirements procurement transactions comply treasury regulation regulations delegation authority scm inadequate policy not updated approved be fully compliant laws oversight responsibility therefore works always through process was fair equitable policies procedures up date transparent competitive cost effective required by section complied iii pfma legislation although findings identified considered significant report na usefulness action plans are or reasons major variances explained implemented ...

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