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picture1_Business Expense Spreadsheet 32520 | Travel Expense Reimbursement Summary

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File: Business Expense Spreadsheet 32520 | Travel Expense Reimbursement Summary
bmi bmir travel reimbursement summary instructions after all travel is complete fill out the expense summary below to request reimbursement if you traveled to two or more locations to attend ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 09 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Bmi bmir travel reimbursement summary instructions after all is complete fill out the expense below to request if you traveled two or more locations attend multiple conferences workshops a separate sheet for each event are using different accounts name enter your su id university date today s email address phone number conference full not acronym dates of business purpose who what when where why stanford check here used department card any these expenses indicate was paid in notes field include on even though being reimbursed them so that administrator can clear advances receipts provide foreign use oanda currency converter link determine equivalents calculate made purchase print result and submit with fingate gateway financial activistiteas nford admin guide domestic per diem rates m ie breakdown domefsotirc eign ratesm traveol anda actual meals total location airport lodging car rental parking other incidental mileage personal code registration tutorials airfare tolls transportation ...

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