File: Work Spreadsheet 32496 | Internship Report Format 1
indian institute of space science technology thiruvananthapuram format for preparing the internship project report the write up should focus on the specific objectives of the project the methodology used and ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Indian institute of space science technology thiruvananthapuram format for preparing the internship project report write up should focus on specific objectives methodology used and major findings regarding title instead giving a general topic like be emphasize explicit nature work brief with number pages main content being not more than please consult respective departments instructions in this regard front matter appendix etc can extra arranging contents sequence which material arranged bound as follows cover page bonafide certificate from supervisor s counter signed by hod division or group head declaration author abstract table list symbols abbreviations nomenclature chapters appendices references dimension binding specifications size neatly printed black letters text font printing identical preparation specimen copy are given shall double line spacing times new roman using style per carry supervisors signature fro projects done iist signatures equivalent people if it is outside see...