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picture1_Budget Spreadsheet 32456 | 25 Cccco Fiscal Reports

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File: Budget Spreadsheet 32456 | 25 Cccco Fiscal Reports
sheet 1 ccccco statewide results california community colleges summary of total general fund transactions fiscal year 20202021 httpsmiswebccccoedufiscalportalreports revenue expenditures revenue net net neb retrieved 8152021 table iii1 adjusted less ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 09 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet ccccco statewide results california community colleges summary of total general fund transactions fiscal year httpsmiswebccccoedufiscalportalreports revenue expenditures net neb retrieved table iii adjusted less other ending beginning inoutgo balance allan hancock antelope valley budget barstow butte cabrillo calbright cerritos chabotlas positas chaffey citrus coast compton contra costa copper mountain desert el camino feather river foothilldeanza gavilan joint glendale grossmontcuyamaca hartnell imperial kern lake tahoe lassen long beach los angeles rios marin mendocinolake merced miracosta monterey mt san antonio jacinto napa north orange ohlone palo verde palomar pasadena peralta rancho santiago redwoods rio hondo riverside bernardino diego francisco joaquin delta joseevergreen luis obispo mateo santa barbara clarita monica sequoias shastatehtri sierra siskiyou solano sonoma south southwestern...

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