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picture1_Excel Sample Sheet 32399 | Wdirevisions

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File: Excel Sample Sheet 32399 | Wdirevisions
sheet 1 description world development indicators the world bank july 1 2022 world development indicators wdi is the primary world bank database for development data from officially recognized international sources ...

icon picture XLS Filetype Excel XLS | Posted on 09 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet description world development indicators the bank july wdi is primary database for data from officially recognized international sources see other worksheets in this excel file a list of series changes since previous versions on national accounts including gdp and gnirelated were released countries aggregates country classification hierarchies lending groups group aggregate reflect new fiscal year income classifications can be accessed nbsp here httpsdatahelpdeskworldbankorgknowledgebasearticlesworldbankcountryandlendinggroups addition feature includes latest estimates socioeconomic such as population education employment intentional homicides stock market publicprivate partnerships investment fdi aid flows april quarterly update was updates to adjusted savings energy sectors trademark applications individuals using internet broadband mobile phone subscriptions well financial soundness access also updated figures related environmental coal forest mineral natural gas oil rents it ...

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