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picture1_Powerpoint Executive Summary Template Ppt 32126 | Arc22 W02 Attachment B Management Letter Points Fy20 21 Audit Final

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File: Powerpoint Executive Summary Template Ppt 32126 | Arc22 W02 Attachment B Management Letter Points Fy20 21 Audit Final
management letter executive summary observations identified during observations identified during appendices current year prior year bsp suva central telephone 679 892 6350 renwick road fax 679 330 1312 suva email ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 09 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Management letter executive summary observations identified during appendices current year prior bsp suva central telephone renwick road fax email an audit does not identify all matters that may be relevant to the suvaoffice kpmg com fj board members directors and p o box should assume reports from us indicate there are no additional they aware of in fiji meeting their responsibilities nor this absolve them taking appropriate action meet forum fisheries committee pacific islands agency we have prepared solely for use it copied shown honiara referred or quoted any other party whole part solomon without our consent writing accepts responsibility anyone than information contained shall pleased discuss raised further chairman would like take opportunity thank staff help assistance ended june provided course yours faithfully recently concluded secretariat ffa financial statements purpose is knowledge company make useful comments michael yee joy your consideration set out partner following p...

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