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picture1_Financial Presentation Power Point 32107 | Szrbam Presentation

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File: Financial Presentation Power Point 32107 | Szrbam Presentation
szrb asset management current activities manager advisory manager efsi sih fund of funds investment plan for europe szrf jeremie implementation of esif in efsi implementation of slovakia using financial local ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 09 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Szrb asset management current activities manager advisory efsi sih fund of funds investment plan for europe szrf jeremie implementation esif in slovakia using financial local entry and instruments point eiah eipp since slovak holding an initiative proposed by the ministry finance republic to support national priorities centralised more efficient via programming period mandate government resolution allocation min from each operational programme expected total approximately eur m supervisory board nominees mof managing authorities strategy line with programmes mechanism areas allocations eurm op or equity mezzanin soft guarante sub e loans es infrastructure energy efficiency waste sme social economy investments mezzanine tranche ppp project dr signed direct loan safety diagnosis vehicles railway be q possible further road railways water projects prsl residential buildings public procurement ongoing close feb preparing epcs framework smes under preparation launched processing plants renew...

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