File: Business Power Point Slides 31983 | Mcnurlin 03 Edit
introduction figure 3 1 strategic uses of information systems 3 2 2006 barbara c mcnurlin published by pearson education introduction last 20 years strategic uses of it 1st edition mid ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 09 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Introduction figure strategic uses of information systems barbara c mcnurlin published by pearson education last years it st edition mid s hot topic end user computing working inward help employees learn about pcs nd late use focused outward to gain competitive advantage e g merrill lynch cash management account now considered normal necessity vs cont rd th editions attention turned reengineering business processes intent not automate existing but totally redesign how the enterprise operated good idea many failed as they were lay off plans erp was also aimed at internal operations specifically providing single sources data wide internet potential becoming evident dot coms looked its a most established firms initially used technology internally building intranets improve company publishing forms accompanying workflow for underway bursting com bubble has become more reality based integration into companies work proceeded early theme leveraging traditional using closely with others innova...