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picture1_Business Power Point Slides 31873 | Marketing Plan Template Tight Presentation Via Gurulocity

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File: Business Power Point Slides 31873 | Marketing Plan Template Tight Presentation Via Gurulocity
condensed 5 slide version would be 1 business vision strategy agenda summary 2 key issues opportunities this year business vision strategy summary 3 marketing plan summary key issues opportunities this ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 09 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Condensed slide version would be business vision strategy agenda summary key issues opportunities this year marketing plan calendar budget objective and goals strategies tactical detail research optional appendix situation analysis category competitive swot etc targeting positioning insert a one page overview of the high level direction that supports it should include where is headed long term i e years out or more already exist otherwise you may want to tackle separately first issue opportunity something supporting point data fact stands in our way right now between us goal serve up address your also identify perhaps they are not problems faces but we can choose pursue advance toward important only here have specific against on upcoming slides no less spell best boil down objectives just two for if brand with very big lots resources might get away tops stay focused examples successful product launch surpass competitor will typically than binary help make progress towards larger g grow...

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