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picture1_Business Power Point Slides 31865 | Indonesiaitfederationint3bw

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File: Business Power Point Slides 31865 | Indonesiaitfederationint3bw
introduction introduction in early 2003 an exciting development took place in the it industry with the consolidation of a federation by four it industry associations internet service providers association apjii ...

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...Introduction in early an exciting development took place the it industry with consolidation of a federation by four associations internet service providers association apjii computer business apkomindo telematic software aspiluki and animators anima was needed to bring about greater coordination communications convergence produce better synergy cooperation through single point contact for domestic international relations f t i founding members indonesia telematics asosiasi peranti lunak telematika pengusaha komputer services penyelenggara jasa animasi other cellular phone atsi telepon seluler kiosk awari warnet telephone apwi wartel satellite assi satelit vision now has thriving information technology which potentially can maximize all kinds contributions nation state improving productivity national competitiveness welfare enhancing maintaining unity facilitating between various segments computing industries mission translate common into practical up date relevant programs include as i...

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