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picture1_Organizational Structure Template Powerpoint 31857 | Struktur Org Findy

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File: Organizational Structure Template Powerpoint 31857 | Struktur Org Findy
organizational structure how job tasks are formally divided grouped and coordinated what is key elements 1 work specialization organization 2 departmentalization 3 chain of command al structure 4 span of ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 09 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Organizational structure how job tasks are formally divided grouped and coordinated what is key elements work specialization organization departmentalization chain of command al span control centralization decentralization formalization the degree to which in subdivided into separate jobs division labor makes efficient use employee skills increases through repetition specializatio less between downtime productivity specialized training more n allows equipment can create greater economies efficiencies but not always basis by together grouping activities function product departmentalizati geography on process customer authority rights inherent a managerial position give orders expect be obeyed unbroken line that extends from top lowest echelon clarifies who reports whom unity subordinate should have only one superior he or she directly responsible number subordinates manager efficiently effectively direct wider spans management increase efficiency narrow drawbacks expense additional laye...

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