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picture1_Business Process Template Powerpoint 31856 | Businessplan

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File: Business Process Template Powerpoint 31856 | Businessplan
planning as part of the business operation planning is a process than never ends for a business as the venture grow up to mature business planning will continue what is ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 09 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Planning as part of the business operation is a process than never ends for venture grow up to mature will continue what plan written document prepared by entrepreneur that describes all relevant internal and external elements strategies starting new it integration functional plans such marketing finance manufacturing sales human resources who should write be may consult with many other sources in its preparation lawyers accountants consultants engineers reads read employees investors bankers capitalists suppliers customers advisors there are three perspectives considered preparing perspective investor s why have valuable potential or even personnel trying familiarize themselves goals objectives helps determine viability designated market provides guidance organizing his her activities serves an important tool helping obtain financing...

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