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picture1_Business Power Point Slides 31754 | Topik Dalam E Business 3

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File: Business Power Point Slides 31754 | Topik Dalam E Business 3
e business e commerce e business e commerce trend technology for e business adapted from source chimay j anumba and kirti ruikar fundamental of e 1 the gartner advisory group ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 09 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...E business commerce trend technology for adapted from source chimay j anumba and kirti ruikar fundamental of the gartner advisory group damanpour consider a an to degree that it targets market opportunities conducting under new electronic channels which revolve around internet comes in many forms can be implemented very small or large is also acknowledgement essential component strategy laudon s use other digital organizational communication coordination management firm encompasses these different adaptations way doing unisys narrow definitions as process buying selling goods services online should not considered synonymous with then defined broadly conduct construction by mean fits broad term exemplified below organization economic cooperation development oecd exchange information support govern commercial activities including negotiations contracts legal regulatory frameworks financial settlement arrangements taxation learnthat just about but includes all are conducted over g flow be...

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