table 1 basic data user completes shaded portions as appropriate project missoula t d center location missoula montana date sep 1 1998 lease period 10 years gross sq ft 53 ...
Filetype Excel XLS | Posted on 08 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Table basic data user completes shaded portions as appropriate project missoula t d center location montana date sep lease period years gross sq ft net usable about of rate renewal ancillary costs for purchase leasepur interest rates nom us treasury yr see omb a app c analysis in design construction economic life associated with alternative price building page land other imputed costsyr from and during estimated legend const contract supervis federal value or actual cost onehalf prior amount total annual computing year appropriation funding interestconstruction all purchased constr supv expenditures revenues leaseconstruction borrowing term yrs na payment real estate taxes insurance maintenance utilities operations administration residual included cash flow present payments summary preferred option...