sheet 1 introduction order books inventories and capacity utilisation survey obicus reserve bank of india has been conducting quarterly order books inventories and capacity utilisation survey obicus of the manufacturing ...
Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 08 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet introduction order books inventories and capacity utilisation survey obicus reserve bank of india has been conducting quarterly the manufacturing sector since provides a snapshot demand conditions in rsquo s is nonstatutory response voluntary time series data summarised on three parameters namely growth inventory to sales ratios are presented sheets at aggregate level estimated based all reporting companies that round after removing any outlier earlier it was common set for successive quarters till q revised from onwards using new methodology please refer annex weblink detailed current compilation httpsrbiorginscriptspublicationsviewaspx id sequential qoq annual yoy by reported those which latest quarter one ago corresponding year ie rounds estimates book th numbers both were calculated then computation lsquo ratio compiling two stages i first stage industrylevel responses ii final derived second as weighted average gross value added gva weights industries asi national statistica...