unitname chaptername sectionname questions a labour labour labour dial time recorder has holes costing costing costing 360 labour labour labour card is placed at the entrance of the costing costing ...
Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 08 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Unitname chaptername sectionname questions a labour dial time recorder has holes costing card is placed at the entrance of factory job essential for purpose records shows effective use allowed piece workers are paid wages on basis rate casual appointed in place retrenched necessary pay roll keeping done to ascertain cost sheet method booking daily which spent by worker called ticker who work outside premises as works out accounting conncerned with computation details gross net prepared individual cannot be readily identified direct system recording arrival and departure each muster kept gate facilitates reconciliation idle usually periodic statement less deduction analysis abstract wage objective fixation true ascertainment attendance register salary slip every during remain ideal outworkers payroll concerned calculation payslip group facility same overtime premium always treated overheads abnormal included production difference between clocked booked where overhead recovery rates base...