first name last name please include details of only those family members who are financially dependent on your family s income please mention details of other entities like huf family ...
Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 08 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
The words contained in this file might help you see if this file matches what you are looking for:
...First name last please include details of only those family members who are financially dependent on your s income mention other entities like huf trust etc if available do add rows in excel sheet required self type occupation net salary or business rental interest expected annual increment tax slab for previous year case a salaried employee share slip epf passbook any major inflows that you expecting coming years this could be inheritence sale property per month average expense to mentioned food groceries children school college expenses house rent maintenance repair conveyance fuel medicines doctor healthcare electricity water maid maintainence charges mobile telephone internet clothes accessories loan emis should match with liabilities insurance premiums shopping gifts whitegoods and gadget dining movies sports recreation personal care club membership fees taxes regulatory travel vacations support parents siblings against each head periodicannual nature the convert it monthly same i...