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picture1_Excel Sheet Download 30884 | Flex Timesheet Template Signed

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File: Excel Sheet Download 30884 | Flex Timesheet Template Signed
sheet 1 flex rules flex arrangements and rules supervision employees may work additional hours under the flextime arrangements provided that they are working productively the accumulation of flextime is based ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 08 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet flex rules arrangements and supervision employees may work additional hours under the flextime provided that they are working productively accumulation of is based on time worked not in attendance at supervisors while recognising availability require services an employee any during a normal day access to can be withdrawn where does comply with requirements or spirit scheme standard dayweek duty for all am pm lunch break hour from minutes week ie participating required leave applications submitted when flexible basis over course fortnight will appropriate adjustments made end each settlement period depending amount core times periods which must unless prior approval has been obtained start finish timesbandwidth between bandwidth span earliest commencement latest finishing breakslunch more than five continuously without taking substantial least taken staff encouraged take their away workstation having place respect needs those continuing this nominated total actually accounted agai...

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