sheet 1 ewb attributes ewb json attributes version 100421 attribute name type description attribute value mandatory validations on columns usergstin text 15 gstin of user 29bqspa3829e124 yes only valid gstin ...
Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 08 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
The words contained in this file might help you see if this file matches what you are looking for:
...Sheet ewb attributes json version attribute name type description value mandatory validations on columns usergstin text gstin of user bqspae yes only valid is allowed supplytype char supply whether it outwardinward refer master codes either inward or outward subsupplytype number sub types selection based transaction subsupplydesc when the others document with corresponding subtype table in for more details doctype alpha numeric keys and hyphen slash dot are docno date should be ddmmyyyy format docdate transtype fromtrdname legalname consignor ambuja private ltd no fromgstin aaacgpz amp fromaddr address line beml road kg fromplace place bangalore digits frompincode pincode state fromstatecode actualfromstatecode from where being dispatched totrdname consignee hukkeri pvt togstin urp toaddr vidyaranyapur mg toplace digit topincode tostatecode actualtostatecode to shipped numbers totalvalue sum assessable cgstvalue sgstvalue igstvalue cessvalue totnonadvolval total non advool negative oth...