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picture1_Excel Sheet Download 30745 | Faulty Product Template

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File: Excel Sheet Download 30745 | Faulty Product Template
sheet 1 instructions alberta gaming amp liquor commission instructions for faulty product claim request form products can be claimed as faulty for a number of reasons there are six reasons ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 08 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet instructions alberta gaming amp liquor commission for faulty product claim request form products can be claimed as a number of reasons there are six listed below please select the proper to include in reason column on details tab foreign material bottle short fill liquid is missing from and no visible breaks capcork intact damaged has been visibly or seal broken imprint box partial case credit connect logistics must kept inspector verification customer complainreturn name address phone return other indicate description claims items within days invoice date item year steps step complete all additional explanations provided each field columns being that was received code valid digit registered with aglc size volume ie ml one above price per quantity bottles refund automatically calculated x use only used by provide blank k line email completed excel faultyproduct aglcca after reviewed it will forwarded inspections approval yyyymmdd business licence premises city see total space cor...

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