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picture1_Question 3 Attachment   Aw Eea Treatment Procedure Final

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File: Question 3 Attachment Aw Eea Treatment Procedure Final
all wales procedure article 56 requests for treatment in countries of the european economic area version number 14 september 2011 produced by all wales working group claire donovan cardiff and ...

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...All wales procedure article requests for treatment in countries of the european economic area version number september produced by working group claire donovan cardiff and vale university health board rob mahoney frances millar betsi cadwaladr julie keegan cwm taf maxine evans abertawe bro morgannwg yvonne jones powys mary owens hywel dda anne marie matthews aneurin bevan judith white welsh specialised services committee chris riley assembly government legal scrutiny linked documents guidance nhs on cross border eea healthcare patient mobility policy interventions not normally undertaken leaflet contents section introduction entitlements to an country reimbursement costs before obtaining applying process applications how request a review decision travel expenses insurance making complaint appendix list page purpose this comprehensive range are routinely made available locally boards addition whssc behalf commissions more at national level use term includes unless specified otherwise un...

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