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picture1_Electronic Spread Sheet 30556 | Supp L 810sr Ig 20

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File: Electronic Spread Sheet 30556 | Supp L 810sr Ig 20
98 m 0667 supplement l july 19 2006 version 2 0 98 m 0667 supplement l new york implementation standard for standard electronic transactions transaction set 810 invoice single retailer ...

icon picture DOC Filetype Word DOC | Posted on 08 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...M supplement l july version new york implementation standard for electronic transactions transaction set invoice single retailer model ver rel ny notes pertaining to the use of this document purpose is used transmit billing information esco marketer charges due utility these standards are based on asc x and related uig guidelines several types at time national fuel gas distribution corporation only offering in up three different may be transmitted under acronym eurc refers end retail customer cycle will contain individual charge customers billings provide detail that can calendar month estimate a nfg invoices reconcile their monthly summary business assessed by payable unrelated specific accounts as well summarization also total balance from date payment expected should basis assigned account number ref aj sent an must included any documentation accompanying s send along with validation fields validated using check digit if does not numbers validate one or multiple each per commodity i...

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