ch 6 sales collection cycle built around three master or quasi master files 1 customer accounts receivable master file each record corresponds to one customer account balance biographical data credit ...
Filetype Word DOC | Posted on 08 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Ch sales collection cycle built around three master or quasi files customer accounts receivable file each record corresponds to one account balance biographical data credit info ordered on number open order records of all unfilled orders hard copy back up copies documents is written when the taken and remains until shipped services provided primary retrieval key invoice billing invoices that are outstanding not yet paid in full paper added issued final payment received supporting transaction shipment accumulates transactions for posting cash receipts considerable redundancy with eliminated by base structure general ledger backup history reference pricing shipping carrier input purchase output document purchasing initiate calling future goods prenumbered if multiple accounting using edi machine readable form return tickets allowance claims returns relate allowances customers who keep but believe their value has been impaired source management review later processing remittance advices a...