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picture1_Gst Word Format 30449 | Tax Invoice

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File: Gst Word Format 30449 | Tax Invoice
chapter 14 tax invoice an invoice is a document issued by supplier of goods and services to a recipient and describes the various details like parties involved description of item ...

icon picture DOCX Filetype Word DOCX | Posted on 08 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Chapter tax invoice an is a document issued by supplier of goods and services to recipient describes the various details like parties involved description item sold supplied price discount date etc it means in case supply provision raised same under gst has following significance taxation system ensures transparency issuance for every taxable transaction pre requisite ensure this turn compliances also b itc availibility registered person cannot avail benefit unless he possession or debit note c evidence indicates detail two fold effects on one hand serves as demand payment other reflects title especially when been paid full d matching mechanism required furnish outward supplies his e return form gstr f requires that bill be before occurrence certain event within prescribed time therefore such transfer barter exchange license rental lease disposal g allows seamless flow input credits across chain fundamental pillars checking credit claims which data all invoices uploaded matched backed ...

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