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picture1_Basic Invoice Template Word 30423 | Annex1

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File: Basic Invoice Template Word 30423 | Annex1
annexure i post gst amendments as per board approval dated 16 01 2018 amendm item clauses as per existing procurement manual amended clause ent no 8 bid price 9 1 ...

icon picture DOCX Filetype Word DOCX | Posted on 08 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Annexure i post gst amendments as per board approval dated amendm item clauses existing procurement manual amended clause ent no bid price the bidder shall give total composite of inclusive all non cenvat able levies taxes e section ii sales tax vat packing forwarding freight and quote cif destination insurance etc but excluding octroi entry which costs charges including will be paid extra actuals wherever applicable towards duties mentioned separately commission unloading or any other incidental on production quoted offer firm in proof payment basic unit indian rupees foreign exchange made components need to individually available by purchaser indicated against goods it proposes supply under contract schedule given used vii prices services should also interchangeably anywhere this document means product loading involved for supplying at designated place consignee address mtnl entered following manner ex factory supplier items requirement already payable wise credit eligible amount rem...

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