tax certificates etc disclaimer this draft bylaw has been prepared by staff in the advisory services and municipal relations branch of the ministry of government relations not legal experts it ...
Filetype Word DOCX | Posted on 07 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Tax certificates etc disclaimer this draft bylaw has been prepared by staff in the advisory services and municipal relations branch of ministry government not legal experts it is intended for guidance illustrative purposes only may be reworded to suit local conditions requirements always advisable obtain advice a solicitor drafting bylaws municipality status name no establish fees provision other assessment or taxation information council province saskatchewan enacts as follows shall referred fee act mean municipalities b designated officer administrator any person who assigned responsibility issue c upon receipt request property service appropriate described schedule attached hereto forming part provide applicant requested pertaining notwithstanding section required pay inspect definition could shortened if regulations adopted january do contain limitation however should checked when adjusting its roll current year during period open inspection pursuant subsection that portion which a...