File: Certificate Word Format 30135 | Jpcertificateofelection
certificate of election for justice of the peace by general election state of vermont s s county at on the day of 20 a canvassing committee appointed by law completed ...
Filetype Word DOC | Posted on 07 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Certificate of election for justice the peace by general state vermont s county at on day a canvassing committee appointed law completed canvass returns cast held th november office hereby certifies that name town or city was duly elected to voters present and voting clerk official note clerks v i requires mail deliver in person each candidate copy this prepared one must also list names addresses justices notation those who are newly secretary elections division notify any changes time until next all persons presented with as your term does not begin february year following runs two years unless you an incumbent already serving jp cannot perform duties have taken oaths allegiance rev...