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picture1_Certificate Word Format 30107 | Gn09 Exemptioncertificates 0

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File: Certificate Word Format 30107 | Gn09 Exemptioncertificates 0
exemption certificates guidance note x guidance 9 last updated 12 april 2022 this guidance note provides a general overview on exemption certificates under the foreign investment review framework for further ...

icon picture DOCX Filetype Word DOCX | Posted on 07 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Exemption certificates guidance note x last updated april this provides a general overview on under the foreign investment review framework for further information particular type of certificate depending kinds proposed investments to be covered see agriculture commercial land residential mining business national security are intended reduce regulatory burden persons including government investors by enabling them obtain up front approval program lower risk over period time rather than having apply no objection notification each entities in which hold passive interest may also an pathway that will have effect putting same position as person opposed investor applications considered case basis against test or requires multiple different types interests example and securities single application not until relevant fee has been paid full fees treasurer vary revoke given if is satisfied variation revocation contrary made writing from recipient s own initiative variations key concepts who had...

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