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picture1_Teachers Handbook 29913 | Lnct Agreement N28  Self Funded Sabbaticals

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Teachers Handbook 29913 | Lnct Agreement N28 Self Funded Sabbaticals

icon picture DOC Filetype Word DOC | Posted on 07 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Local negotiating committee for teachers agreement no guidance on self funded sabbaticals agreed by lnct december introduction this provides the process applying a sabbatical appendix of snct handbook and procedure to be followed reviewing requests allocating in fair an equitable manner annual basis number which may approved each year will minimum total employees within council covered terms conditions monitored reported definition is separate distinct from family leave as set out part section or career breaks paragraph formal opportunity obtain extended break work up purpose provide with refresh re energise their careers such there are prescribed activities that must involve eligibility eligible required have at least years continuous employment permanent temporary any scottish duration frequency last months maximum intended should identified when application made employee granted s service between period during maintain gtc registration seeking released submit request form stating an...

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