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picture1_Harvard Referencing Examples

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File: Harvard Referencing Examples
rmit harvard referencing guide rmit university library updated february 2022 this is a guide only please confirm the referencing requirements for your course with your lecturer rmit harvard is an ...

icon picture DOCX Filetype Word DOCX | Posted on 07 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Rmit harvard referencing guide university library updated february this is a only please confirm the requirements for your course with lecturer an author date style it based on and attribution section of australian government manual agsm released in requires text references reference list appear within body document they include s family name or organisation responsible information source year publication page numbers required quotes if available provides full bibliographic details all at end assignment recommended that you read general rules each before looking specific about need to note although states title online sources should be hyperlinked electronic formats does not do because hyperlinks are compatible endnote program other software addition links would when work printed contents books book single two authors three more whose no multiple by same chapter e encyclopedia dictionary entry without brochure pamphlet exhibition catalogue journals journal article newspapers print news...

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