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picture1_Microsoft Word Checklist Template 29679 | Checklist   Confirmed Case Of Coronavirus (covid 19) In Workplace (word)

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File: Microsoft Word Checklist Template 29679 | Checklist Confirmed Case Of Coronavirus (covid 19) In Workplace (word)
confirmed case of coronavirus covid 19 in the workplace checklist as an employer you must respond quickly when you become aware of a confirmed case of coronavirus covid 19 in ...

icon picture DOCX Filetype Word DOCX | Posted on 07 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Confirmed case of coronavirus covid in the workplace checklist as an employer you must respond quickly when become aware a your responding assists department health and human services dhhs to limit further exposure contain potential outbreaks this guides through steps need take fulfill obligations at it is part information pack supports identify close contacts manage cases spread refer other documents complete will support process more detailed guidance on each can be found for suspected or our website name site address key contact job title phone email date actions taken optional field do following immediately after being notified that worker staff member has tested positive ask return home isolate they are work direct them go joe whether not have symptoms once wait went straight instructions from his car having test note should use private transport public if necessary ring non emergency patient organised unable leave away others separate room area wear fitted face mask notify offici...

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