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picture1_Company Presentation Template 28622 | Rfq   Janitorial Svcs   So Toms River

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File: Company Presentation Template 28622 | Rfq Janitorial Svcs So Toms River

icon picture DOC Filetype Word DOC | Posted on 05 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Bidder s company name request for qualifications rfq janitorial maintenance services proposals will not be opened and read publicly prepared by borough administrator clerk joseph kostecki mpa qpa rmc cmr hall mill street south toms river nj june is seeking bids the municipal building located at double trouble road sealed vendor deliver one original seven copies to following address attn office of am on friday july walk through monday meet rd notice soliciting written from qualified firms providing a as this an invitation bid although price very important other factors taken into consideration all responses must in envelope have clearly marked outer most mailing mail or hand accepted after date time stated above incomplete proposal that do conform requirements specified herein considered issuance does obligate award contract nor liable any costs incurred preparation submittal subject work retains right select bidders re solicit act submitting declaration proposer has understands conditi...

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