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picture1_Work Spreadsheet 28384 | Ojtcontract

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File: Work Spreadsheet 28384 | Ojtcontract
mn department of employment and economic development on the job training ojt contract ojt contract no contract purpose the purpose of this contract is to establish the general terms and ...

icon picture DOCX Filetype Word DOCX | Posted on 04 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Mn department of employment and economic development on the job training ojt contract no purpose this is to establish general terms conditions under which service provider may refer individual workforce investment act wia or trade adjustment assistance taa participants trainee name employer enable take part in an program definition term means by that provided a paid while engaged productive work will provide knowledge skills essential full adequate performance b qualify for reimbursement portion wage rate extraordinary costs providing additional supervision related c limit period time become proficient occupation being determining length consideration should be given skill requirements academic occupational level prior experience plan as appropriate section agreement between both parties agree begins enter start date here ends end contact information complete person telephone address email fax f e i n id p g rates select one new hire current employee social security beginning title o n...

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