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File: 228182 Dampak Kebijakan Pajak Ekspor Dan Tarif Cca695d4
jurnal agro ekonomi vol 35 no 1 mei 2017 11 31 doi http dx doi org 10 21082 jae v35n1 2017 11 31 1 dampak kebijakan pajak ekspor dan tarif ...

icon picture DOCX Word DOCX | Diposting 03 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Jurnal agro ekonomi vol no mei doi http dx org jae vn dampak kebijakan pajak ekspor dan tarif impor terhadap kesejahteraan produsen konsumen kakao di indonesia the impacts of export tax and import tariff policy on welfare cocoa producers consumers in julia forcina sinuraya bonar m sinaga rina oktaviani budiman hutabarat pusat sosial pertanian jln tentara pelajar b bogor jawa barat fakultas manajemen institut raya darmaga kampus ipb penulis korespondensi e mail yahoo com diterima februari direvisi maret disetujui terbit abstract government is currently promoting development processing industries to increase added value key application for beans that may cause a number consequences farmers exporters aim this research analyze formulate better mix improving consumer used simultaneous equation econometric model consisted structural equations identity have been estimated using sls two staged least squares method data series results show abolishing increases producer s but decreases total rev...

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