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picture1_%2ffiles%2ftradeoldfile%2f00%2f35%2f47%2fhow Are Imports Into The Roc Regulated

 166x       Filetype DOC       File size 0.06 MB       Source: www.trade.gov.tw

File: %2ffiles%2ftradeoldfile%2f00%2f35%2f47%2fhow Are Imports Into The Roc Regulated
how are imports into the roc regulated ans i the list of commodities subject to import restriction the negative list of commodities a the import of goods into the roc ...

icon picture DOC Filetype Word DOC | Posted on 03 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...How are imports into the roc regulated ans i list of commodities subject to import restriction negative a goods must be in accordance with foreign trade act enforcement rules governing regulations on export and strategic high tech consolidated entrusted customs for examination furthermore from mainland china region permission between taiwan area conditional items origin july board hereinafter referred as boft put effect system administration order accelerate processes liberalization transparency line international norms this imposes least degree or regulation based principle making free rule exception article is liberalized except where restrictions may imposed due requirements treaties agreements national defense social security culture hygiene environmental ecological protection policy nomenclatures that publicly announced by ministry economic affairs moea e which structured follows table bans therefore these cannot imported unless under special circumstances grants permits an except...

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