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picture1_Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup Id 26696 | 2 Agus Silaen

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Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup Id 26696 | 2 Agus Silaen

icon picture DOC Word DOC | Diposting 02 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Visi pelestarian fungsi hutan dan lingkungan hidup dalam perspektif hukum august p silaen abstract conservation of forest function and environment is energy support effort network protect ability to change pressure negative impact which generated by activity be remain can human animals plants life relating continuation required commitment all society including institute there governmental as well international a new ethics that have isn t it in practice beside also integrate development concervation take care our place boundary earth put the way being anywhere utilize enjoy other ad for succeed problem forestry related entirety reach opportunity rights economic social going concern him forrestry seen was holistic balanced environmental context live considered exploiting immeasurable forrest traditional possible arise when pursued or limited some potencies given management issue contemporary even become modern internationally this matter because since yore until these days arisen world ...

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