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picture1_Manuskrip Dwi

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File: Manuskrip Dwi
hubungan antara fungsi afektif keluarga dengan adiksi game online pada remaja awal di warnet desa satreyan kec kanigoro kab blitar relationship between family with affective function addiction online game on ...

icon picture DOC Word DOC | Diposting 02 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Hubungan antara fungsi afektif keluarga dengan adiksi game online pada remaja awal di warnet desa satreyan kec kanigoro kab blitar relationship between family with affective function addiction on early adolescent in village district dwi astuti ulfa h fatta pendidikan ners stikes patria husada abstract gaming is a problem that currently emerging the middle of changing times and increasingly modern technology which often found among teenagers gamer apart from self also may be one cause especially fulfilling aim research explaining functions teens study design was cross sectional dependent variable this independent variables namely three sites internet cafes to population as many players sampling technique accidentaly got samples shows respondents were whereas for effective much chi square test functioning showed significant level p there families result expected prevent incidence order not higher cooperation keywords games his abstrak merupakan bermain permainan secara berlebihan yang ba...

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