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...Seminar internasional social work across border agustus di universitas pasundan bekerjasama dengan beberapa perguruan tinggi korea selatan malaysia dan indonesia akan menggelar yang diberi nama international pisws bertajuk pada tanggal aula oto iskandar nata kampus iv unpas jl setiabudhi bandung itu terdiri dari chonbuk national university cbnu universiti sabah muhammadiyah jakarta bengkulu ditunjang oleh yayasan asiana peserta dikenakan biaya rp orang untuk mahasiswa umum sedangkan pemakalah tidak termasuk akomodasi keterangan lengkap dapat dilihat tor berikut ini organized by department of welfare faculty and political science west java in partnership with friday saturday august introduction is an academic discipline profession based practiced as a universal that there are similarities but also depends on where the uniqueness country was developed because needs to be discussed depth experts from variety backgrounds discussion thought should for progress development practice we would ...