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picture1_Financial Presentation Power Point 25975 | Kuliah 1 Pendahuluan1

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File: Financial Presentation Power Point 25975 | Kuliah 1 Pendahuluan1
books public sector accounting rowan jones akuntansi sektor publik mardiasmo what is public sector those industries and services in a country that are owned and run by the state such ...

icon picture PPT Power Point PPT | Diposting 01 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Books public sector accounting rowan jones akuntansi sektor publik mardiasmo what is those industries and services in a country that are owned run by the state such as many countries education railways longman dictionary of contemporary english device for regulating human activities so man women can live together reasonable harmony derbyshire any entities established central or local government entity under act parliament which requires presentation annual financial statement to macpa guideline no forms absolute monarchy one person rule aristocracy wealthy minority democracy based on belief value individual eg choice selecting representatives make criticism rights being protected taking part politics interest priority june level pemerintahan di indonesia pemerintah pusat provinsi kabupaten kota fungsi dan anggaran leve ceo cfo coo pendapatan l chief belanja executi financi operati ve al ng officer presiden menteri pajak pph keuangan teknis ppn hasil jual ketua minyak lembaga negara pro...

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