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picture1_Acute Myocardial Infarction Id 25930 | Naskah Publikasi 4

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File: Acute Myocardial Infarction Id 25930 | Naskah Publikasi 4
case study nursing care on acute myocardial infarction ami patients in fulfilling need comfortable of pain at emergency department of rsud salatiga haryani mellia silvy irdianty student of diploma 3 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 01 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Case study nursing care on acute myocardial infarction ami patients in fulfilling need comfortable of pain at emergency department rsud salatiga haryani mellia silvy irdianty student diploma program stikes kusuma husada surakarta gmail com lecturer jl jaya wijaya no kadipiro abstract is the second leading cause death low income countries with a mortality rate who occurs by heart tissue damage due to inadequate oxygen supply resulting and discomfort can be provided non pharmacological actions namely foot hand massage purpose this was conduct for comfort sense type research descriptive approach subject one patient meeting needs intervention performed once minutes technique conducted applying gentle pressure palms feet small circular motion using fingertips results studies revealed that reduce intensity there change physiological responses characteristics p activities q such as suppressed heavy things r left chest transmitted back s scale reduces from felt disappear more relaxed vital sig...

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