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picture1_Technology Ppt 23904 | D3 6 Ceadir Bess Auction Ceadir

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File: Technology Ppt 23904 | D3 6 Ceadir Bess Auction Ceadir
topics for this presentation rationale for battery energy storage systems bess case studies of technology neutral renewable energy tnre auctions that included bess challenges and opportunities for incorporating bess in ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Jul 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Topics for this presentation rationale battery energy storage systems bess case studies of technology neutral renewable tnre auctions that included challenges and opportunities incorporating in recommendations low power prices from re need to be considered with caution product bid was usually electricity generated mwh but can new installed capacity mw may not available when needed or usable on the grid dispatchable early auction contracts based pay as without incentives smooth production system operators had add other resources balance maintain reliability should developers responsible smoothing out supply demand volatility costs incurred either will recovered which is more efficient how affect decision declining cost contribute expansion large natural hydropower manage variability relatively easily cheaply absence transmission constraints utilities face growing difficulties managing intermittency share increases isolated hawaii old generation fleets limited flexibility fast ramp up do...

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