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...A l vfr navigation log j r i e n p g v h t s aircraft number notes d o c w vor wind cas dist gs time off gph airport atis advisories tc th mh check points ident leg departure destination course dir vel est fixes route altitude ch freq rem ete eta fuel code temp tas wca var dev act ate ata ceiling visibility altimeter approach runway frequencies ground tower ctaf fss unicom m u field elev totals block in flight plan and weather on reverse side out precipitation icing turbulence position of fronts winds aloft freezing level cloud tops lows highs reported forecast enroute alternate notams type true cruising identification special equipment airspeed point proposed z actual ifr dvfr knots name city remarks hours minutes board pilot address tel home base aboard color contact telephone optional close with arrival report suffix rnav transponder no encoding acft alt capability next fix following x b dme global positioning system gps conditions bases layers transponde...