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File: Airline Reservation System Pdf 232206 | Hpc97030fu
transactions on information and communications technologies vol 15 1997 wit press www witpress com issn 1743 3517 airline reservations systems past present and future challenges g e haramis v karakatsanis ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Transactions on information and communications technologies vol wit press www witpress com issn airline reservations systems past present future challenges g e haramis v karakatsanis thessaloniki greece olympic airways syngrou avenue athens abstract the aim of this paper is to results our survey applications problems arising from parallel processing in area airlines resevations we used reservation system as basic model shall describe which arise finally give propositions solutions introduction when speak today or parallelism always mean simultaneous execution jobs jobsteps programs routines subroutines loops statements within family real time means that same transaction executed at with more than one can be exploited three different levels algorithm level program machine each these has a conceptual concurrency computation called virtual for majority s based machines utilized sequential form however most are inherently distributed severe restraints try increase number well decrease amou...

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