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picture1_Ethics Pdf 232047 | Lesson17 Doing The Right Thing

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File: Ethics Pdf 232047 | Lesson17 Doing The Right Thing
lesson 17 doing the right thing or doing what is right ethics in the workplace category employability skills employability skills a interpersonal communication b problem solving critical thinking c flexibility ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Lesson doing the right thing or what is ethics in workplace category employability skills a interpersonal communication b problem solving critical thinking c flexibility adaptability d work ethic integrity responsibility accountability instructional direction students should have discussion about are and how they govern conduct of both employers employees as group brainstorm create one list that apply to ex provide safe environment another treat company resources with care once concluded break into small groups each be assigned ethical scenarios solve learning outcome s will able analyze propose solutions for dilemmas needed blackline master modification extensions could ask an adult describe real life dilemma faced come up possible then them go back resolved it student compare contrast solution their proposed shown clips from show would you do most way handle situation workforce equal opportunity employer program auxiliary aids services available upon request individuals disabilities ...

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