File: Ethics Pdf 231954 | Strengths Weaknesses Situation Ethics
situation ethics strengths weaknesses personalist puts people before rules jesus said rules we are supposed to follow rules they weren t sabbath was made for man not man for sabbath ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Situation ethics strengths weaknesses personalist puts people before rules jesus said we are supposed to follow they weren t sabbath was made for man not called the ten suggestions relativist flexible allowing individualised responses vague it s impossible say what you re different contexts useful but there do how work out most loving thing is exceptions sometimes have push aside your if changes from principles and right pragmatic suggest solutions that evil allows terrible things adultery theft lying a ethical theory murder in name of love teleological focuses on end or outcome an misguided does justify means paul action doesn christians should good may come situationist this great way church isolates as individual acts reconcile strict bible with approach independently has no place moral decision criticised pharisees being legalistic making ignores thousands other hand would be wrong get rid all years tradition throwing away wisdom antinomianism midway between greatest teachers wise ...