the pmi code of conduct the philip morris international code of conduct integrity doing what is right ask before acting is it legal does it follow company policy is it ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...The pmi code of conduct philip morris international integrity doing what is right ask before acting it legal does follow company policy thing to do how would look those outside for example our customers people in communities where we work and general public remember these rules know standards that apply your job always if you are ever unsure s keep asking until get answer applies inc its direct or indirect subsidiaries collectively referred as left hand page letter from employees chairman ceo i am very proud be an employee during my career have learned who good write now reaffirm expectations board directors regarding compliance with this there a simple idea stands behind everything pursue business objectives full all laws makes sense by earn trust consumers shareholders co workers regulators suppliers live whose must successful has chief officer responsible overseeing implementation program across working partnership line management central functions key resource commitment explains m...