routledge handbook of epistemic injustice 2017 eds ian james kidd jose medina gaile pohlhaus jr evolving concepts of epistemic injustice what does the concept of epistemic injustice do for us ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Routledge handbook of epistemic injustice eds ian james kidd jose medina gaile pohlhaus jr evolving concepts what does the concept do for us should we want it to if meaning is use then there no point trying put precise boundaries on in advance indeed its has already evolved spreading slightly more widely than originally intended and good reason my chief purpose invoking label was delineate a distinctive class wrongs namely those which someone ingenuously downgraded or disadvantaged respect their status as an subject first make that this kind fundamentally form direct indirect discrimination cause testimonial prejudice through speaker misjudged perceived epistemically lesser will tend have negative effects how they are treated non too secondary aspects intrinsic wrong hermeneutical background inequality opportunity specifically marginalisation relation some area social experience puts them at unfair disadvantage comprehending getting others comprehend somewhat might therefore be idea ex...