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picture1_Ethics Pdf 231837 | Vol05art02

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File: Ethics Pdf 231837 | Vol05art02
notes on the teaching of ethics in law school j michael kelly the word ethics is a particularly amorphous concept in the context of legal training it is critical to ...

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...Notes on the teaching of ethics in law school j michael kelly word is a particularly amorphous concept context legal training it critical to spell out several distinct meanings first there are professional rules protocol i client s funds must be kept special escrow account sepa rate from attorney l lawyer only contacts adverse party through his her own can advertise services certain prescribed ways these relatively easy communicate and grasp second form more open texture which require analysis cases formal ethical opinions bar association committees establish relevant principles appropriate modes conduct ac cessible treatment typical best classroom work substantive courses for example proscrip tion canon five against conflicts interest has developed sufficient gloss case provide number guidelines practitioners as well many difficult questions analysi thus far we describing subject matter that focuses largely aba code responsibilitye analytical statute provisions dean associate professo...

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